Since the early years, our company paid special attention to the necessity of knowledge base core for such aim and thus invested extremely in scientific research and development centers in our country in order to create innovation and gain more experience in natural processing. Now after many years of wealthy experience, we are proud of being a chief member of main board of Medicinal Herbs Exporters Union as well as National Council of Saffron.

    Our success is obliged to outstanding cooperation of our associates who are rich resources of knowledge and bound to high ethical standards in order to provide best services for domestic and international customers. The main goal of us is to achieve a healthy, joyful and pleasant life for everybody therefore we focus on high quality products, on time delivery and competitive prices in both domestic and international markets.

     Based on such ethical principles, we were able to meet a remarkable demand in local and global market. We export our products to European countries, China, Japan, Canada and Arabian countries around Persian Gulf and were considered as a prominent exporter for years.